Our origins

Human activity is destroying nature faster than it can replenish itself, which is pushing our ecosystems beyond reversible limits.

The survival of all species depends on halting and reversing this biodiversity loss by 2030.

Fortunately, we have the knowledge we need to take action. Unfortunately, we don’t have the luxury of time.

Wedgetail was founded by Lisa Miller to bridge the gap to 2030. We finance nature-positive projects to accelerate the Earth’s regeneration — and show others it can be done.

Nature image

Our nature-positive approach

Wedgetail’s projects focus on local landscapes, people and economies to create regenerative spaces which allow all species to thrive. Our nature-based approach comprises three core beliefs that underpin everything we do.

Value is not just economic

The long-term success of our species requires us to seek and value outcomes for nature alongside human-centric economic benefits. We are committed to finding and fostering these harmonious new models in order to ensure we all thrive.

Ensuring livelihoods for local people

Land can only be truly protected when those who live, work and derive their livelihoods from it are actively securing its future. We learn from and work closely with the communities that depend upon the project landscapes.

Threading knowledge systems

Incorporating technological advances with indigenous, scientific and community knowledge systems is critical to finding ideas and solutions that work.

Our team

We’re a dynamic team, with a rich array of backgrounds, determined to creatively and collaboratively find solutions to the biggest crises humanity’s ever faced.

Lisa Miller
CEO & Founder
Diarmuid McGann
Chief Financial Officer
Julia West
Operations Lead
Summer Allen
Research Lead
Bronte McHenry
Content Strategist
Cameron Adams
Director of Wedgetail Foundation